Nick Vega
Nick Vega has been doing professional photography and videography free-lance work since 2014. In 2015, he was hired as an Audio-Visual Technician for VCU's USC&A and a Marketing Assistant for VCU's Residential Life & Housing at the same time while completing his Bachelor's in Psychology. He went on to work for RBHA as a Behavioral Health Technician after attaining his degree in 2018, which means he ran two floors of an all men's substance-use clinic. After a couple months in that field, he decided to attend VCU's Brandcenter for Experience Design in order to be able to exercise his creative mind. Upon enrolling back in school, he became the Marketing Coordinator for VCU's Residential Life & Housing during his first year of Graduate School. Since summer of 2020, he has returned to doing free-lance work so that he could get more professional UX experience under his belt before transitioning fully into the world of Advertising.
Web Design
Creative Direction
UX Design
UI Design
Social Media Management
3-5 years